Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Bricks - Part 2

In Bricks - Part 1, I shared with you my love for old bricks and the pathway that I created at my home. Last spring, I decided I wanted to add a brick patio. 
I began by laying out a circle with the assorted bricks that I already had and then began the search for what it would take to fill it in. (I apologize for the quality of the pictures, but when I snapped them with my I-Pad last spring I didn't realize that I would be sharing them with you.)
I knew it would require a lot of bricks and I wasn't sure where I was going to find them but the hunt was on! I chased a couple of leads but they didn't work out. I pass a big pile of bricks at an old home site on my way to work each day, but I never could figure out who owned the property. The town I live in tore down an old building and before I could get a hold of someone with the city, the bricks had already been hauled off. I called around until I found where they had been taken and got permission to get some, but they were so broken up and had so much mortar on them they were useless. A friend at work overheard me telling my sad stories and said she knew where some bricks were, so on our lunch break we drove over and looked. Bricks, bricks, bricks! Hundreds of them all clean and stacked up so nicely. I just about fainted! I drove to the nearest farm house and stopped and asked if they knew who owned the property. The sweet little lady said someone had just bought it and told me what she thought his name was, but she wasn't real sure. Well, to shorten an already long story, I tracked the man down (like a bird dog) and he granted me permission to take what I wanted and so I did!! Persistence pays off!
 After several trips, I finally had what I needed to fill in the area.
After laying all the bricks, we swept cement into the cracks and watered it down. The next morning it was all set.
I am pleased with how it connects to the existing path and we have enjoyed the new outdoor living space.
The moral to this story... dream big, start with what you have, even before you have all the provisions, and never give up - be persistent.

Here's a Heart Rock for your Pocket:

From where shall my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. Psalm 121:1-2

Wishing you God's best,

Join me over at...
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Coastal Charm
Beyond the Picket Fence
French Country Cottage
Thoughts from Alice
Savvy Southern Style
Funky Junk
Craftberry Bush

Friday, April 25, 2014

Garden Trellis from Recycled Bikes & Garden Gates

I have an unusual trellis at the end of my brick pathway that is made from part of a recycled jungle gym, two old bikes and two old gates. I know it sounds awful, but it's really great and my vine is in full bloom right now, so I wanted to show you.
We built the trellis by cementing four 4x4's into the ground and attaching an arch from the jungle gym on top. The arch is now covered with flowers and is no longer visible from the outside.
On each side I placed one of the old bikes, which serves as the trellis.
The bikes do not match and they each have their own unique features. This one has big fenders and a rack over the back wheel.
The flowers look pretty trailing down the rusty old bike.
This one is a Royce Union.
Who wouldn't want to ride a "Missile"?
...a Murray Missile with a headlight?
I recently added an old gate to the inside of both sides, which just gives it more character.
This is my favorite shot! It's so peaceful.

Here's a Heart Rock for your Pocket:

Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; John 14:27

Wishing you God's best,


Join me over at:
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Common Ground
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Inspire Me Please
The Stone Gable
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Beyond the Picket Fence
French Country Cottage
Savvy Southern Style
Fishtail Garden
Creative Country Mom
Craftberry Bush


Wednesday, April 23, 2014

A Rustic, Outdoor Birthday Party

When planning any type of party my number one piece of advice is to recruit volunteers. The more help you have the more you will be able to enjoy the experience. So when I began planning my Dad's 70th birthday party, I enlisted my sisters and brother to help. 

My Dad loves the outdoors so we planned his party outside and used rustic vintage items to decorate which is just his style. April, as long as it's not storming, is a perfect time of year for an outdoor event and the weather was beautiful.
We welcomed "party goers" with a sign created from an old plow by simply writing on the rusty blade with chalk. The first time it rains the message will wash away.

We gathered old photographs and created a display for everyone to reminisce about the good old days by hanging an old window frame and empty picture frames. An old ironing board with a wooden top served as a display table and it held a glass cookie jar that we placed birthday wishes in for the birthday boy.
Here we used an enamel bucket with a tumbleweed holding a chalkboard sign to share information with our guests. In the background you can see mix-matched chairs grouped together for seating.

A boot holds sunflowers next to an old cabinet door turned into a chalkboard sign and an old rusty fireplace guard makes a great place to hang a hat belonging to the guest of honor.
Here's the table with the final touches including his hat, a Leesburg brick from the community he grew up in and his birthday cakes. We had two tables spread with delicious food and had a great time of fellowship together. 

Food + Family + Friends = Good Times!

Here's a Heart Rock for your Pocket:

Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor.  For if either of them falls, the one will lift up his companion. Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

Wishing you God's best,

Join me over at:
The Scoop
Coastal Charm
Funky Junk
Common Ground
Wonderland and Company
Thoughts from Alice
Inspire Me Please

Friday, April 18, 2014

Springing to Life!

Few things in this world thrill my soul like the miracle of life and after a long winter, the ground is finally springing forth.
I transplanted these violets from the woods last spring and they are doing great!
The grass is green again, the trees are leafing out, the first flowers are popping up and I spotted my first Scissor-tails last weekend! It's official: Winter is over!
You can always spot where there used to be an old home place by the flowers that appear in spring. The home may be long gone but the bulbs that were once planted still live on. 
I recently spotted the most beautiful clump of purple irises in a field and just had to stop and take a few pictures. For a moment, I got hung up trying to slip through the barbed wire fence for a closer view. Yikes! 
Aren't they gorgeous? The old out building makes a lovely backdrop. I'm sure whoever planted these so many years ago would be happy to know that someone was willing to risk danger (and torn britches) to enjoy them!

This Easter weekend, I hope you will enjoy the new life that Jesus offers to us through the cross! 

Here's a Heart Rock for your Pocket:
I (Jesus) came that they may have life, and have it abundantly. John 10:10

Wishing you God's best,

Join me over at:
Be Inspired
Inspire Me Please
The Scoop           
Coastal Charm
Fishtail Cottage

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The Dogwood

Where I live, the woods all around are dotted with white Dogwood blossoms at this time of year. When I was a girl, there was a giant Dogwood that stood alone in a large open pasture next to our home. In the spring when it bloomed, it was breathtaking. Even as a child, I was in awe of it's beauty! Each year we would walk way down in the pasture to visit the tree up close.  Here we are one Easter Sunday in the dresses that our Mom made for us (how sweet) with Dogwood blooms from that very tree in our hair.
I ran around this week looking for Dogwoods to photograph and remembered my mom telling us the story of the Dogwood. 
Legend has it that the cross on which Jesus was crucified was made from the dogwood tree which is why, as the story goes, you never see a Dogwood that doesn't have the curse of a twisted trunk. 
The four petals of its flower represent the cross.
The single red spots positioned on the edge of each petal represents the blood of Jesus and the snowy white of the petals represent the washing away of our sins. 
Whether the cross was made from the Dogwood or not is debatable, but I believe the story of Easter is absolutely true.

Here is a Heart Rock for your Pocket:
Though your sins are as scarlet, 
They will be as white as snow;
Though they are red like crimson,
They will be like wool. Isaiah 1:18

Wishing you God's best,

 Visit me over at:
The Everyday Home - The Scoop Link Party
Coastal Charm - Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
From My Front Porch to Yours
Inspire Me Please
Be Inspired


Saturday, April 12, 2014

Coloring Eggs!

I have never outgrown coloring eggs! It's fun! Who decided that when we grow up we can't act like kids anymore?! Did we get to vote on these rules? I vote YES to not growing up!
When dying eggs, there are many techniques to choose from, but why limit yourself to just one. The traditional solid colors are lovely. You know... water... food coloring... vinegar... or those little colored tablets you can buy in the box with stickers. (I like stickers, too.)
You can write on them with crayons before you dip them to create patterns and designs.
These precious little fingers belong to my grandson, Levi. I couldn't include pictures of the rest of him since he had just rolled out of bed, still a little puffy, and only wearing his camouflage underwear. Who says you have to be completely dressed to color eggs? It's not a rule.
Marbled eggs are beautiful. We followed Martha Stewart's direction in making these. To see her step by step instructions click here. Below is a picture of the eggs Martha colored. The possibilities are endless.
I hope this has inspired you to act like a kid and decorate some eggs this year. Have fun!!

Here's a Heart Rock for your Pocket:
Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Luke 18:16

Wishing you God's best,

Meet me over at:
Thoughts from Alice
The Everyday Home - The Scoop Link Party
Coastal Charm - Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
From My Front Porch to Yours
Inspire Me Please
Be Inspired

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Bunnies, Eggs & Nests

There are signs of Easter popping up all around my house. This handsome little bunny is reminding my visitors that "Easter is on it's way." 
Painting the holder for the Scrabble letters with chalkboard paint really helps the letters show up. I love using these because they're so versatile. Everyday can be a new word.
Outside this Easter bunny is keeping an eye on my herb garden...
 ...while this terracotta bunny watches over my flowerbeds. He's soaking up some sunshine and really happy Spring is arriving.
Just outside my front door, Easter eggs are showing up in my bird nests. There is one tucked inside this nest built of hay...
...and another hidden in this nest held together with mud.
All around us are signs of Easter, little hidden treasures waiting to be found if we will only look.

Here's a Heart Rock for your Pocket:

I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the Lord... Isaiah 45:3

Wishing you God's best,

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Easter Basket Full of Memories

After all these years, my Mom kept my Easter Basket from when I was a little girl and this is it. She has a picture of my sister and I hunting Easter Eggs at church and posing with our baskets. The basket was just about as big as I was.
My basket usually sits by my bed and holds books but today it is holding these adorable bunnies...
 ...and these colored eggs in an old flower pot. I have great memories of coloring eggs and having eggs hunts with my cousins. My dad and his brothers were serious egg hiders. They didn't just lay them on the ground like folks do today and call it an egg hunt. They hid them! 
Remember when panty hose came in big eggs? One year they emptied their pockets of change and put all the coins in a big golden "panty hose" egg and that was our prize egg. We looked and looked for that golden egg. Needless to say, I didn't find it but I sure had fun hunting.
Taa daa! I've combined the basket, bunnies and eggs and included a beautiful Cross because without Jesus there is no Easter! Finding Jesus is better than finding the golden egg! 

Here's a Heart Rock for your Pocket:

You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:13

Wishing you God's best,

Join me over at:
Wonderland and Company - Craft Frenzy Friday
The Scoop #113
Link it or Lump it #33
Inspire Me Please
Be Inspired
Craft Frenzy Friday
Feathered Nest Friday