Saturday, April 5, 2014

Easter Basket Full of Memories

After all these years, my Mom kept my Easter Basket from when I was a little girl and this is it. She has a picture of my sister and I hunting Easter Eggs at church and posing with our baskets. The basket was just about as big as I was.
My basket usually sits by my bed and holds books but today it is holding these adorable bunnies...
 ...and these colored eggs in an old flower pot. I have great memories of coloring eggs and having eggs hunts with my cousins. My dad and his brothers were serious egg hiders. They didn't just lay them on the ground like folks do today and call it an egg hunt. They hid them! 
Remember when panty hose came in big eggs? One year they emptied their pockets of change and put all the coins in a big golden "panty hose" egg and that was our prize egg. We looked and looked for that golden egg. Needless to say, I didn't find it but I sure had fun hunting.
Taa daa! I've combined the basket, bunnies and eggs and included a beautiful Cross because without Jesus there is no Easter! Finding Jesus is better than finding the golden egg! 

Here's a Heart Rock for your Pocket:

You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:13

Wishing you God's best,

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  1. That is so sweet that your mom kept your basket! I think I will probably do that with my kids' too :)

    1. Most of my old treasures actually belonged to someone else, but this one has always been mine. Kinda cool. :)


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