Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Bricks - Part 2

In Bricks - Part 1, I shared with you my love for old bricks and the pathway that I created at my home. Last spring, I decided I wanted to add a brick patio. 
I began by laying out a circle with the assorted bricks that I already had and then began the search for what it would take to fill it in. (I apologize for the quality of the pictures, but when I snapped them with my I-Pad last spring I didn't realize that I would be sharing them with you.)
I knew it would require a lot of bricks and I wasn't sure where I was going to find them but the hunt was on! I chased a couple of leads but they didn't work out. I pass a big pile of bricks at an old home site on my way to work each day, but I never could figure out who owned the property. The town I live in tore down an old building and before I could get a hold of someone with the city, the bricks had already been hauled off. I called around until I found where they had been taken and got permission to get some, but they were so broken up and had so much mortar on them they were useless. A friend at work overheard me telling my sad stories and said she knew where some bricks were, so on our lunch break we drove over and looked. Bricks, bricks, bricks! Hundreds of them all clean and stacked up so nicely. I just about fainted! I drove to the nearest farm house and stopped and asked if they knew who owned the property. The sweet little lady said someone had just bought it and told me what she thought his name was, but she wasn't real sure. Well, to shorten an already long story, I tracked the man down (like a bird dog) and he granted me permission to take what I wanted and so I did!! Persistence pays off!
 After several trips, I finally had what I needed to fill in the area.
After laying all the bricks, we swept cement into the cracks and watered it down. The next morning it was all set.
I am pleased with how it connects to the existing path and we have enjoyed the new outdoor living space.
The moral to this story... dream big, start with what you have, even before you have all the provisions, and never give up - be persistent.

Here's a Heart Rock for your Pocket:

From where shall my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. Psalm 121:1-2

Wishing you God's best,

Join me over at...
The Stone Gable
Coastal Charm
Beyond the Picket Fence
French Country Cottage
Thoughts from Alice
Savvy Southern Style
Funky Junk
Craftberry Bush


  1. oh my gosh, how gorgeous! and how special, since they are from your town and not just a store or something. love the circular shape, too. we have bricks a friend gave us, and i want to use them under our table and chairs. right now, when we mow, we have to move it all out of the way. who does that, lol.

    1. Thanks and good luck with your project!
      I hope you will visit again soon.

  2. WOW! I love it!! Such a fun mix of bricks too...the ones with the words on them are so cool :)

    1. Thanks, Laurel. Old brick companies used to put their names on the their bricks. I love adding to my collection.

  3. I've been wanting to do something similar. This turned out gorgeous!

  4. This is so beautiful. I have real question. You did not do anything to preare the ground like "everyone" says you have too. Did they stay in palce. What about grass in between? I have not tackled this type of projectbecaseu I though I would need some heavy labor help. Maybe not!

    1. Linda, thanks for visiting and for your question. I literally just laid them on the grass. I know professionals are cringing but it worked for me. It's not completely level but I don't mind. I swept mortar mix (no rocks) into the cracks and watered it down which created cement between each brick. They don't move around and I've had very little weeds. I just pull them out when they pop up. Thanks for visiting and I hope you will visit again.
      Thanks, Elaine

  5. I couldn't locate your email address. Just wanted you to know that you've been featured today on my weekly Welcome Wagon Friday post, where I introduce new bloggers to my readers. Welcome to the neighborhood!

    1. Brenda,
      Thank you so much for featuring my blog! I have had my most viewed day since beginning my blog on Valentines Day. I appreciate the exposure and your encouragement. I feel honored.
      Thanks, Elaine

  6. Your brick patio is beautiful. I especially love the circular shape. What a great addition to your yard!

  7. Persistence certainly did pay did a wonderful job and it looks lovely!

    Visiting from The Welcome Wagon over at Cozy Little House where Brenda featured you today :)

    1. Hi Deb,
      Thanks for visiting! My patio was a lot of hard work but I am pleased with how it turned out and we have really enjoyed it.
      Thanks again, Elaine

  8. love this...I keep searching for used bricks for a patio space by my chicken coop. every once in a while I get lucky at a garage sale...I see them piled high by someone's house and when I ask are those for sale? they say - please just take them! sometimes there are a bunch and sometimes just a few, but they all add up and someday, maybe i'll have a patio as pretty as yours! oxox

  9. That's exactly how I got mine. Most people will just give them to you. I visited you blog and enjoyed it very much. I'm going to join your link party. :)

  10. This is such a pretty project for anyone's back yard! I sure am glad you thought to snapped pictures with your iPad. ;)

    ~ Ashley

  11. What a great project, and such tenacity! Congrats!

  12. How pretty! Right now I'm working on my patio and I surely want to have a beautiful brick patio just like yours! My search for bricks is on :)


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