Friday, April 18, 2014

Springing to Life!

Few things in this world thrill my soul like the miracle of life and after a long winter, the ground is finally springing forth.
I transplanted these violets from the woods last spring and they are doing great!
The grass is green again, the trees are leafing out, the first flowers are popping up and I spotted my first Scissor-tails last weekend! It's official: Winter is over!
You can always spot where there used to be an old home place by the flowers that appear in spring. The home may be long gone but the bulbs that were once planted still live on. 
I recently spotted the most beautiful clump of purple irises in a field and just had to stop and take a few pictures. For a moment, I got hung up trying to slip through the barbed wire fence for a closer view. Yikes! 
Aren't they gorgeous? The old out building makes a lovely backdrop. I'm sure whoever planted these so many years ago would be happy to know that someone was willing to risk danger (and torn britches) to enjoy them!

This Easter weekend, I hope you will enjoy the new life that Jesus offers to us through the cross! 

Here's a Heart Rock for your Pocket:
I (Jesus) came that they may have life, and have it abundantly. John 10:10

Wishing you God's best,

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Coastal Charm
Fishtail Cottage


  1. Isn't it just so nice to see the garden come to life!?! Thank you for joining in the garden party over here at Fishtail Cottage! Can't wait to see you again this Thursday! xoxo, tracie


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