Monday, February 23, 2015

Chasing Away The Winter Blues

It has been a blustery, winter day here in East Texas, which is crazy because a week ago it was in the 70's! The sleet has been tapping on the roof all morning and now everything is covered in a blanket of ice.

Before it all started this morning, I went out and picked a handful of Rosemary that was blooming by my front door steps.

Turns out it was just the thing to chase away the wintertime blues. There's nothing like fresh flowers to bring the feeling of spring indoors, and nothing like a pot of homemade soup to knock the chill off!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Valentine Message

I've added a message of love to my chalkboard globe and as I'm writing this, I'm humming.. "What the World needs now is Love Sweet Love..." Dionne Warwick would be so proud. Yes, I am that goofy!

Friday, February 6, 2015

Love Letters


Valentine's Day is just around the corner. We don't have to spend lots of money to express our love to someone special, in fact the things that mean the most are usually free.

Why not write a love letter that can be kept and treasured? Written words are powerful. Memories can fade but something in writing is everlasting.

I have little notes and snippets of words that my 'loves' have given me through the years. They are my treasures and they warm my heart. I wouldn't trade those little scraps of paper with scribbled messages for nothing!