Friday, February 6, 2015

Love Letters


Valentine's Day is just around the corner. We don't have to spend lots of money to express our love to someone special, in fact the things that mean the most are usually free.

Why not write a love letter that can be kept and treasured? Written words are powerful. Memories can fade but something in writing is everlasting.

I have little notes and snippets of words that my 'loves' have given me through the years. They are my treasures and they warm my heart. I wouldn't trade those little scraps of paper with scribbled messages for nothing!

My husband was given a love letter by his "Granny Margaret" that she received from his "Grand-dad" pledging his love to her and asking her on a date.

In it he confessed that he swiped a photo of her when at her home last and he is looking at her as he is writing. How romantic. No wonder she married him!

I'm sure he gave her many gifts over their lifetime together, but the handwritten love letter she kept throughout her life. She was a widow for 30 years and returned to that letter many times. I know because she showed it to me several times.

We have the wording of that letter matted and framed in our dining room with a picture of them together. It is a precious memory.

This Valentine's Day, I encourage you to write someone a love letter. 

They'll be glad you did.

Here's a Heart Rock for your Pocket:
We write this to make our joy complete. 1 John 1:4

Wishing you God's best,

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  1. What a lovely sentiment and such a good suggestion ... the written word is becoming a lost art these days, and for that reason all the more special when received.

  2. What a beautiful gift Granny Margaret gave your husband. A handwritten note is such a wonderful treasure. It's true, I revisit the few that are important to me as well. Thank you so much for sharing on Found & Foraged.

  3. Love letters.... so lovely. I actually miss letters in general. How will we ever be able to have treasures like this if no one ever sends them anymore?

  4. Love letters are wonderful! Sadly they are becoming a thing of the past. Taken over by love texts. lol! I love it when my grands make me a homemade card! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  5. Such a beautiful sentiment. Some of my most treasured pieces are collected family history memorabilia. This gives me an idea to frame some of my Granny's recipe cards.

  6. Touching. I really like how you've got the letter's wording and their picture framed. So meaningful. I'm on board with you and love letters. My husband is getting one for Valentine's Day. I haven't written one since before we were married almost 14 years ago.

  7. Words from the heart! Perfect post for Valentine's Day.


  8. The most lovely Valentine's Day post I've seen yet. Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful story! What a heritage of love that was passed down.

  9. Sweet!! After working on a craft, I slipped a foam heart sticker on my husband's wallet. He saw it in the morning and told me later that he showed it off at the lunch counter when he paid. It's still on there. I didn't really think much of it when I did it. Afterwards, it made me think how much better our relationship could be if I REALLY TRIED. Sweetness matters<3


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