Monday, February 23, 2015

Chasing Away The Winter Blues

It has been a blustery, winter day here in East Texas, which is crazy because a week ago it was in the 70's! The sleet has been tapping on the roof all morning and now everything is covered in a blanket of ice.

Before it all started this morning, I went out and picked a handful of Rosemary that was blooming by my front door steps.

Turns out it was just the thing to chase away the wintertime blues. There's nothing like fresh flowers to bring the feeling of spring indoors, and nothing like a pot of homemade soup to knock the chill off!

A pot of potato soup made with spicy sausage, onions, garlic and cream, of course, was exactly what I needed to ward off old man winter.

What a great combination...

...and so comforting!

This little clump of flowers has made me happy all day.

The hope of spring to come!

Here's a Heart Rock for your Pocket:
Yes, Lord, let your constant love surround us, for our hopes are in you alone. Psalm 33:22

Wishing you God's best,

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  1. Elaine,
    Your restaurant ware is what brought me to your post!!
    I, too, collect the white with multiple green bands!!!
    My beloved maternal Grandmother owned a diner in the late 40's early 50's.
    Your post gives me hope that Spring is just around the next calendar page, dear one!
    Visiting from Amaze Me Monday!

    1. Hi Ms. Pat, so nice to meet you. How cool that your grandmother had a diner. I love old diner/hotel dishes. I have a mix-match collection that we eat on every day while my fancy dishes sit up in the cabinet. It's just more fun that way. Stay warm and have a great day!

  2. Here in central Okla. it may reach 36 then it is suppose to be cold the rest of the week,but i don't care. I want it to stay winter until it is over and quit teasing I do get out and feed the birds they are God's wonderful creatures to watch,they make me laugh.

  3. love your style, rosemary is so good floor the blues, I have been using Lavender. Thanks for sharing on Fabulous Friday

  4. Sounds so yummy and the flowers are beautiful!
    Thanks so much for sharing at AMAZE ME MONDAY!

  5. Isn't it funny how something as simple as a handful of Rosemary can brighten our day? I'm sure it made you smile every time you looked at it. The soup sounds yummy! Thanks for sharing with SYC.


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