Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Bird Nests and Eggs

Have you ever really looked at a bird's nest? It's an amazing, intricate, detailed work of art. The fact that a simple bird, with no hands, can weave together something so magnificent is an act of God. Each type of bird has it's own design, style and decorations for it's home. Sound familiar? I found this nest in my yard over the weekend. I got so excited that I went on a nest hunt and pulled out a few pictures of some of my favorites from the past.
This one was deep inside a Leland Cypress where they nest every year and was completely hidden from sight. The nest is all silvery because it has been wrapped with sprigs of Dusty Miller, that I thinned from my flower beds earlier this spring, and some of the Spanish moss I transplanted from my son's house in Louisiana. The center is lined with hair from our mules.
In my searching, I found this lovely Mockingbird nest up at my Mom and Dad's on their back porch. It is sitting high up on a top shelf. They have the most lovely blue and brown eggs and big shabby nests made from sticks. This one has a little horse hair and white fuzzy flowers.
We discovered this nest on the fence while walking last week. I went back to check it out but it is not a new nest. It has survived from last year. This sweet mama bird had a really safe place for her little ones all tangled down in this briar vine.
I pulled these picture from the past. One year we found a blue bird nest in our shop that was built in a clay pot with a few of our chickens feathers for extra comfort. Isn't it just the sweetest thing ever?!
The eggs are the most perfect color blue.
This is one of my favorite nests and pictures ever! This picture is taken looking down into an old fence post that is set on the corner of our property. What a beautiful nest sitting in the bottom of it.
Here the eggs are visible through a side peep hole where we spotted the mom zipping in and out. She found the perfect house to raise a family in. It has cathedral ceilings with a skylight!

I could go on and on and probably will on another day. I hope you have a great day!

Here's a Heart Rock for your Pocket:
Even the sparrow has found a home, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may have her young—a place near your altar, Lord Almighty, my King and my God. Blessed are those who dwell in your house; they are ever praising you.  
Psalm 84:3-4

Wishing you God's Best,

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Coastal Charm
Stone Gable
Cozy Little House
Fishtail Cottage
Feathered Nest Friday
Common Ground
Wonderland and Company
Shabby Art Boutique
Savvy Southern Style
Thoughts from Alice
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  1. I would love to send you a couple pictures of my favorite birds nests but couldn't find your email? I like that you always put a scripture verse at the end of your posts! God bless, Toni

    1. I would love to see your bird nests. You may email me at Thanks for your comments!

  2. How beautiful! You are so lucky to spot the nests with eggs in them. Seems like I often see nests but they are up so high we can't see what's inside. Seeing eggs and babies is one of the sweetest parts of spring and summer.

    1. When I go out looking, I take a hand mirror in my bag so that I can peek in nests that are just out of my reach. Eggs are one of my favorite things. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a message.

  3. Great post! We have a robin making on nest on our front porch this year. It is right out my front if I stand real still and off to the right spot...she "let's" me's amazing :)

    1. That's so fun! We had a cardinal nest in a shrub outside our living room window one year. We had a perfect view and I guess the glass reflected the light in such a way she couldn't see us. It was a really cool experience. Always a joy to talk to you! Thanks!

  4. I nominated you for the Liebster Award cause your awesomeness! :)

  5. darling little nest....we had one last year and heard the babies chirping when they hatched and within hours the nest was empty...saddest thing! thank you for linking up to Fishtail Cottage's garden party ~ hope to see you again this upcoming Thursday! xoxo, tracie

    1. Oh, I hate when that happens, but it happens. :(
      Thanks for hosting.

  6. Yes, birds nests are truly a work of art! They amaze me with all of the little treasures they use to build them. Loved your photos and there's nothing prettier than a robins egg! Happy to be a new follower. Thanks so much for sharing with Share Your Cup.

    1. Thanks, Jann! I'm happy to have you following, as well, and glad to have found your site! I look forward to sharing with each other.

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