Monday, March 31, 2014

BRICKS - Part 1

I collect old bricks. When I tell people that, I really get some strange looks. I always search for them around old houses at estate sales and often times people will just give them to me. I guess they think of them as worthless. 
One of the first projects I tackled after getting into our house was to build a brick path from the back door to the driveway. Most of the bricks used here were found on our property.
Now I know that it's not perfectly straight or level, but it does keep my feet dry and it makes me happy!
Ferris bricks seem to be common here in East Texas. The chimney on my 1932 home is made from them, but I don't know where they were produced. If you do, send me a message. I would love to know. The star is one of my favorites.
I also really like the TEXAS bricks. (My violets are blooming!)
This picture contains a diamond brick. You'll see more of these in Bricks - Part 2. There's more to come!

Here's a Heart Rock for your Pocket:
In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:6

Wishing you God's best,

Join me over at:
Work it Wednesday No. 41 
The Scoop #112
Be Inspired #183
Inspire Me Please
Shabbilicious Friday
Feathered Nest Friday
Funky Junk - Upcycled Link Party
Wonderland and Company - Craft Frenzy Friday


  1. A dear sweet lady, Ms. Gina, sent me some information on the Ferris Brick Company! Thanks so much!

  2. I love these bricks. At our previous home we made a patio out of old stamped bricks. Something about the stamping reminds you that individuals made the bricks, not machines.

    1. I agree, Carmody. I love that they have a story. Thanks for stopping by.

  3. Oh I like your brick walk very much, I can see why you collect bricks now
    The wall is charming

  4. How incredibly sweet is this! Have you ever considered planting bulbs on either side of the walkway? Daffodils and tulips would look so amazing blooming with those bricks!!
    I poked around your blog a little looking for an email address to contact you.. I'd like to nominate you (and your blog) for the Liebster Award. If you don't know what that is, it's okay! :) I didn't know when I was nominated either. If you'd like, I'd love to send you information about it. Feel free to email me at NearlyHandmade AT gmail DOT com It's a great way for new bloggers to "meet" each other and spread the word about your new blog! Looking forward to hearing from you soon so I can tell you more! Janice

  5. That is so awesome! Gives me hope that I could have brick path one day :)

  6. Oh goodness! Now I want to collect bricks too :)

  7. There used to be a brick yard in Ferris, TX, which is near Waxahachie. My family lives there and I am very envious of your bricks!


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