Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Sunsets! One of my favorite things!

As a young married couple, we moved from our small northeast Texas hometown and settled in a large city. We raised our son, had a home, great friends and a wonderful church family. We had fun everywhere we went, but I always longed for the peacefulness and calmness of life in the country even after 19 years. 

One of the things I missed the most was watching the sunset. As a child, our dining room table sat in front of a big double window that faced west. My family of six always sat down together to eat supper in the evenings. I watched more sunsets than I can count sitting at that table. My view was across 100 acres of pastureland surrounded by a tree line with only one small farmhouse in sight across the field and I loved it. It was one of my most treasured memories from childhood. 
The view from my home on March 17, 2014. Gorgeous!
Years later, standing at my kitchen window that faced west, looking out over my backyard and the ball fields and library that sat on the street behind us and the homes and homes that surrounded everything, I remember praying and asking God to please, someday, let me live where I could watch the sunset again. God not only answered my prayer but he answered MY PRAYER. He not only gave me a home with a beautiful sunset, He gave me back MY SUNSET. The very one that I watched as a child. He gave me the small farmhouse that was within my view from my parents table where I now live. 

What a loving and gracious God we serve. He really does want to give us the desires of our heart! 

Here's a Heart Rock for your Pocket:

Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4

Wishing you God's best,


  1. Hi Elaine-
    Loved reading about your favorite things... powerful testimony. God is faithful and He answers our prayers.
    I love a good sunset-- unfortunately I can't see them all that well from our place because of the huge trees here in East Texas-- sometimes, during the summer on the pool deck, I can catch a glimpse of a pretty one.
    love your pictures. -Pat

    1. Hi Pat,
      I love our East Texas trees almost as much as sunsets! No matter where I go, I always say that we live in the prettiest place on earth. If I only had a pool...


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