Friday, March 14, 2014

Spring Tablescape with Estate Sale Finds

I found some beautiful items last weekend at estate sales that are now part of my new Spring tablescape for Easter. This is a work in progress but here are a few snapshots of how things are evolving.
I found these sweet little bunnies, an old tattered roll of writing paper and a two book set of beautiful old dictionaries with a 1948 copyright and illustrations! I'm so excited!

I put them together as a centerpiece and added a vintage Easter postcard which has a handwritten note and is dated April 19, 1908 and was mailed to Deerfield, NY.
 I used scrapes of the paper in my dinner plates as place cards for my loved ones along with old tin candy molds that were a gift from a special friend (thanks, Cris). This one is a chick!
After a long cold winter, it's finally starting to feel a little like spring. Spring always brings with it a hope of renewal and new life.

Here's a Heart Rock for your Pocket:

...just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life. Romans 6:4

Wishing you God's Best,


  1. beautiful! I love all the special touches! Those books are amazing!

  2. I love the cloche with the bunnies! I am desperately seeking a cloche of my own to decorate with!

  3. Thanks, AnnMarie! I would love to own some vintage ones, but I've never come across any in my area. The one pictured came from Pottery Barn but wasn't expensive. I love to use them. Most of mine have a birds nest. Good luck in your search.

  4. The bunnies are charming. The handwritten note from 1908 is just stunning. I hit two estate sales today and am feeling pretty pleased with what I bought and what I spent. I saw your link at Funky Junk link party. Ann Marie @ Iris Abbey

  5. Thanks, Ann Marie, I'm happy you stopped by. It sounds like you had a good day! It's such fun!


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