Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Never Judge a Gift by It's Package

Recently I noticed a cocoon attached to the wall next to the side door where we walk in and out everyday. It was a pretty scary looking creature with spikes all over and it was wiggling. It definitely looked dangerous! I hate to say it, but my first response was to get rid of it. Living at the woods edge and surrounded by pastureland, it's a constant battle to keep the "undesirables" out of my house, so I don't tend to be very compassionate when it comes to creepy crawlers, but I was intrigued by this one and decided to watch it for a few days and see what was going to come out of it.

Over the next few days, it stopped moving and actually got scarier looking and then it happened. Early one morning I found a beautiful butterfly that had just emerged and was sunning itself in those first rays of sunshine.

I was shocked to see that it looked just like a fall leaf. A butterfly that looks like a rusty fall leaf! And hatches in the fall! What an amazing act of God! I continued to watch as it took its first steps and eventually flew off into the world.

This experience was a lovely gift from God to me. Besides being a reminder that He is the creative Creator and the One who gives life, He also taught me a lesson: Just because something initially looks frightening or dangerous, doesn't mean that it is. Sometimes beautiful things come in scary  looking packages.

I believe that God surrounds us with good gifts every day that express His love to us. They are always there. We just have to look.

Here's a Heart Rock (or 2) for your Pocket:

Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above; it comes down from the Father...
James 1:17

If you look for Me wholeheartedly, you will find Me. Jeremiah 29:13

Wishing you Joy,

I did some research and found that this butterfly is called a "Question Mark" butterfly because of the white markings on the wing. "?" It lays its eggs in Elm trees, which I have outside my back door, and it has the absolute scariest caterpillar...ever. It's a good thing I didn't find it first.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Scenes from the Country - No. 22

Look at these sweet babies!

On my way out to the mailbox, I heard the familiar cry of baby birds and began looking for their nest in the tree above me. I was surprised to find they had already left the nest and were snuggled together on a limb a few feet above my head.

Although they were out of the nest, they were still squawking for their next meal and their mom was working herself silly trying to keep them all fed.

She frantically flew back and forth searching the yard for bugs and each time, as she approached the kiddos, they got louder and louder and their heads would spin in unison following her every move. They fought and competed to be the chosen one when she returned with her goodies.

I watched as she stuffed a big colorful butterfly into one of their mouths. It only took a split second.

Glory to God!

Here's a Heart Rock for your Pocket: 
The Lord is the Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 
2 Corinthians 3:17

Wishing you JOY!

Join me over at:
The Dedicated House

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Double Yolks!

There's something special about raising your own chickens and having fresh eggs, so when my dad offered me a few of his older hens to make room for his new flock I jumped at the chance.

Levi came during his spring break and he and I made the necessary repairs to our abandoned chicken house so we could welcome the "Ladies" to their new home. They are all settled in now and laying, so everyday I get to collect beautiful brown eggs.

This week I got a "big" surprise... a double yolk!

Look at the size of this egg!

Thursday, March 17, 2016

How to Dress Up a Nest to Become a Centerpiece

Spring is almost here... officially!

I went to our local flea market earlier this month and saw the prettiest wreaths that were all dressed up for Spring. They were referring to them as Botanical wreaths because they were covered with dried flowers, twigs and bird nests! 

So, with inspiration in mind, I set out to make my own creation. I am reusing my Easter wreath from last year, so I really didn't need a new one, but decided to use that same concept in a Spring centerpiece for the table in the sunroom.

Monday, March 14, 2016

A Little Something Lovely - No. 12

Here's a little something to brighten your day!

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Decorating with Spring Flowers

The miracle of Spring is emerging and I love it!

There is something so thrilling about the first warm days following a long, dark, dreary winter. It's a feeling of hope, of new life, of new beginnings. It's just as God planned it.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

10 Minute Valentine Garland

Hi Everyone!

It's been two years since I posted my first blog entry on Valentines Day 2014, so it's my blogging anniversary! When I posted that first entry, I wasn't sure if anyone would ever follow along, but so many of you have and it's been great getting to know you.

Thanks so very much!!

You are all very important to me!!

To celebrate, I have a special discount offer available,  just for my blog friends, at my Etsy shop. I'll give you the details at the end of today's post, but first let's take a look at this quick Valentine project. It will fill your house with notions of  "LOVE!"

Saturday, February 6, 2016

A Little Something Lovely - No. 11

God has no confinements.
God has no limits.
God has no boundaries.
God has no weakness.
Nothing is too hard for God.

Here's a Heart Rock for your Pocket:

"O Lord God! You have made the heavens and earth by your great power:

Wishing you JOY today!

Friday, February 5, 2016

Vintage Aprons

Hi There!

Wearing an apron, especially an old apron, always connects me with the past in a strange way. I have memories of my mom and grandmothers, as far back as great-grandmothers, in the kitchen preparing meals, making snacks, washing dishes and hanging clothes on the line, all with an apron tied around their waste. So when I wear one, I feel like one of them and I like that.

I was given several as gifts when I first got married and have collected more through the years. The old ones are always handmade and have their own personalities, reflecting those who created them. 

Thursday, January 28, 2016

God Gave Me A Donkey

Hello My Bloggy Friends,

I have always driven my family crazy taking pictures. I admit I can be a little obsessive.
For some reason, I feel the need to capture the moment so I can re-live it. Maybe I'm afraid I'll forget.
God has impressed upon me several times that by trying to capture the moment, I end up missing it, so I'm learning to just enjoy.

But, with all of that said, this picture represents why I love photography. It's a memory.  I'm sure I would have forgotten this day if it hadn't been captured by someone.

This is me and my two sisters back in the early 70's, with a baby donkey that was born on our little farm.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016


Ever read something and you know you've read it hundreds of times before, but for some reason this time it registers differently?