Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Decorating with Spring Flowers

The miracle of Spring is emerging and I love it!

There is something so thrilling about the first warm days following a long, dark, dreary winter. It's a feeling of hope, of new life, of new beginnings. It's just as God planned it.

The daffodils have just about stopped blooming, but now the Redbud trees of are showing out all through the woods and in my front yard. The honey bees are just as happy about Spring, as I am.

I couldn't resist bringing in a few branches to decorate with.

I simply placed them in a large vintage milk glass vase.

This one has a pretty basket weave pattern, which makes me think of Easter baskets and since Easter arrives early this year...

... I added a sweet little glass bunny.

It just so happens that he is similar in color to the Redbud blooms (which ironically, aren't red at all).

Although the arrangement won't last long, I'll get to enjoy it for a few days. Then I'll find something else to bring inside to brighten up the house.

God fills our lives with wonderful blessings everyday. They're not hard to find, we just have to look for them.

Here's a Heart Rock for your Pocket:

"For you have stored up great blessings for those who trust and reverence you." Psalm 31:19

Wishing you God's blessings,

Join me over at:
Vintage Charm Party
Feathered Nest


  1. Elaine, I adore your natural vignettes! I've always found the pretty tree's name a bit puzzling considering the color! Thank you for sharing @Vintage Charm!

    1. Hi Elaine, just wanted to let you know you are being featured @ tomorrow's Vintage Charm party! Blessings, Cecilia


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