Thursday, December 24, 2015

Vintage Christmas Cards

Merry Christmas!

Last summer I found the greatest collection of vintage Christmas cards, each with a handwritten note and real signatures.

The images and fonts immediately pulled me to a time before cell phones, e-mail, texting and Facebook; a time when communication was intentional and took thought and effort, although we didn't realize it.

Don't get me wrong, I love keeping up with everyone through social media, but it doesn't require much effort or interaction on my part. It's more of an observation of others, rather than an interaction with others.

I'm making an early New Year's Resolution to be more deliberate in my communication with family and friends. Anyone want to join me?

I hope you enjoy these Christmas wishes from the past...

Here's a Heart Rock for your Pocket:
Let the peace that Christ gives rule in your hearts...and be thankful. 
Colossians 3:15

Wishing you God's best and Merry Christmas,


  1. Yes! I love the idea of intentional communication! I'm spending the day making a calendar with birthdays and special occasions my plan is to update my address book and send cards and letters to my friends and family... I began a little but this year-- but obviously with all the electronic distractions I wasn't as organized as I was in years past! Plus our family has grown! Merry Christmas to you and yours!
    These cards are precious! Enjoyed them ;)

    1. Hi Patricia, I made a calendar for my son for Christmas and wrote in all the family birthdays and anniversaries for him. This is something I do each year. I guess it's a tradition. Best of luck with your plans...Happy New Year!

  2. This past year, I set out to do just that and kept a record of my correspondence - sadly, about 3/4 of the way through, it slipped away from my. I'm happy to start that resolution again!

    I have some old family cards from before my time. I'm going to get them out and have the fun of reading them again. Like a lovely novel or movie, one is transported to a different world through the eyes of the writer. thank you for the reminder!
    Merriest Christmastide to you!

    1. Hi Elaine, that sounds like a lovely way to spend the afternoon. I hope you enjoyed yourself!
      Happy New Year!

  3. These are really awesome cards.
    Have a blessed year ahead!

    1. Thank you so much! Blessing to you as well!


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