Tuesday, September 29, 2015

The Treasures of Estate Sales

Aside from all the great treasures (vintage stuff) that can be found at an estate sale, I love peering into the lives of other people (the real treasures), especially the older generations, because they tended to keep everything which provides glimpses of what their lives were like. I recently visited a sale in a neighboring town that was full of treasures. Here are a few of things that caught my eye.

This little tea pot had been broken several times and glued back together. There was an old piece of tape on the bottom with a handwritten note that read, "Mother gave this to me the day I got married. She earned it selling Avon." How precious!

I opened her recipe box and taped to the inside of the lid was this Valentine's love note. I wondered if her husband realized that she had hidden it here and saved it all those years. I'm sure he never opened her recipe box. It's the small things in life that mean the most.

His three wool naval uniforms were still hanging in the closet from WWII, all moth eaten and holey. His honorable discharge papers were in the house, as well. His chaplain had handwritten his mother a note when he left for home. Safe. I'm sure she prayed for him day and night.

They had funky pink Christmas decorations and a roto-turn light, the kind that went with a tinsel tree to make it change colors. There was a collection of vintage Christmas cards that had been kept in a box for 50+ years, all signed with well wishes from family and friends. I'm saving those to share with you during the holidays. 

Here were a few more things...

The lady that lived here was obviously stylish and liked to dress up. She had probably 20 hats, many purses and lots of costume jewelry. Her husband wore cowboy hats and western ties, but of course, we are in the heart of Texas.

It always makes me a little sad that things that were once precious enough for someone to save, for years and years, are now for sale because no one wants them, but our lives are not about the things we leave behind, but the love and relationships we build while we're here.

The things that have true value can't be bought or sold.

Here's a Heart Rock for your Pocket:
Don't store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them and rust destroys them, and where thieves break in and steal. Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal. Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be. Matthew 6:19-21

Wishing you God's best,

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  1. Aw. That note is so so so so sweet! How lovely to be loved with an imperfect love perfectly. :)

    1. Yes, it must have brought her happy memories since she held on to it for so long.

  2. Elaine, I love estate sales for the same reasons! The notes are just precious. It does sadden me a little, but then I think that if it was me I would be overjoyed for someone to delight in the things that I love rather they get tossed in the trash. Love the pink Christmas décor. Can't wait to see more of them! Thanks for sharing with SYC.


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