Friday, July 24, 2015

Finding Flowers in San Francisco

One of my favorite things to do when visiting a city, aside from eating all the great food, is to go exploring. Of course I have to visit all the tourist spots, but what I enjoy even more is getting off the beaten path and visiting the neighborhoods to see how others live... getting a sneak peek into their world... a look at their homes, yards, gardens...

While visiting San Francisco last summer, we walked miles and miles and miles, up and down the streets, along the beaches, across the Golden Gate bridge and through the neighborhoods. Along the way, we found the most amazing flowers in some really unexpected places. As I dragged myself up Lombard Street, famous for being the most crooked street in America (and possibly the steepest), I was mesmerized by the courtyard gardens of the beautiful stucco homes that lined each side of the street.

There were people everywhere and cars bumper to bumper on the street, but I was in my own little world as I walked under canopies dripping with these gorgeous flowers.

While walking along the bay up to Fort Mason, we discovered poppies.

The most surprising place to find flowers was while touring Alcatraz. At one time, there were actually formal flower gardens on Alcatraz... who would have ever guessed? I never knew, but the people who worked there also lived on the island with there families. They had their own little city on the island.

This is just a small sample of what we encountered. It's such fun to visit new places and experience new things. I don't know about you, but I'm ready for a new adventure!

Hope you're having a good week!

Here's a Heart Rock for your Pocket:
Sing to the Lord a new song, for he has done marvelous things! Psalm 98:1

Wishing you God's best,

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1 comment:

  1. Oh, that's what I do when I travel. Try the local food (except for the really exotic ones), see the famous tourist spots but also visit the everyday common places that some locals would even take for granted. :)


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