Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Planning a Party - No. 2

Last week I shared the decorations for my parents 50th wedding anniversary, using a collection of succulents. This week I want to show you how I made a few "switch-ups" to create a completely different style party for my 90 year old grandfather's birthday.

I traded the milk glass containers for rustic buckets, old cans and aged wooden boxes.

I chose an old coffee can because it suites my grandpa perfectly. I can't begin to tell you how many times he's sent me after a cup of coffee with a promise that he would 'dance at my wedding' or give me a 'Yankee Dime'. In our family, a Yankee Dime is a kiss... don't ask me why or how... I have no idea where that came from... it just is.

When I glittered the house numbers for the first party, I also glittered a "90". I really liked how it turned out and will be using this idea again. 

I traded the pretty scarfs used for the anniversary for a cow hide and added deer antlers. An old wooden box was used to gather birthday cards.

Papaw insisted on having a sign in book so that he would know who was there. An old horse shoe was used to hold the book open for folks as they signed in and left birthday wishes.

It turned out to be a great day as we celebrated the life of a very special man. Here's a picture of Mark and I with Papaw. Looking good for 90! Happy Birthday!

Here's a Heart Rock for your Pocket:
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."
Matthew 11:28

Wishing you God's best,

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  1. Elaine, I love the way you pulled this all together! The succulents in the rustic containers are perfect! My fil turns 90 in January and we will be throwing some kind of a bash. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  2. What clever decorating tips Elaine. I've never thought to use succulents before, but I like what you've done with them. I'm delighted to be featuring you on Shabbilicious Friday alter today. Hugs ~ Kerryanne


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