Monday, April 27, 2015

Vintage Storage Mixed with a New Kitchen Island

When it comes to decorating, there are no rules at my house. When I got married back in the 80's, people always wanted to know what "my colors" were going to be. Remember that? There was so much pressure to have a theme or color scheme when setting up house. I didn't want to have a mauve and blue house or little geese on everything, but I felt the need to conform. That's what I was supposed to do, right? Well, it never felt like me.

I just like what I like, whether it's in style or not and I'm okay with that. I would rather have an empty spot in my house for a year, while searching for just the right item, instead of getting something just to fill the space. The problem I have now is, I've run out of space!

I recently switched out the old farm table that I've been using as an island and replaced it with a new stainless steel topped island with shelving underneath. The new one is more narrow, which provides more space in the kitchen and adds lots of storage.

It's been fun mixing old pieces together with the new island. I relocated a few things from my counter-tops and pulled a few items out that hadn't been visible for a while.

A couple of old refrigerator drawers hold onions and vegetables. I'm glad someone had the good sense to pull the drawers out and save them when their frig died, so all these years later I could enjoy them.

These old metal gym baskets are great for holding cookie cutters and other baking items that I don't use very often.

An enamel box with a lid works well for holding potatoes, since they don't need to be in the light and another enamel bowl keeps fruit close at hand.

I was able to move my vintage jars that hold cornmeal, sugar and different flours off my counter-tops and free up space for working.

The mixing of old and new elements together... now that feels right to me.

Not to worry, I didn't get rid of my old table. I transformed it into a desk and made a new office space for myself. Win! Win!

Here's a Heart Rock for your Pocket: 
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:2

Wishing you God's best,

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  1. It always is good to get more storage to move things around in our kitchens. That is a very handy island to have,you have done a great job enjoy and have a great day.

  2. LOVE how you have styled the island! Looks beautiful and what wonderful treasures! Great idea on the old refrigerator drawers!

  3. I love it! Nice job and I love the jars and baskets you chose to use on it :)

  4. Love your island! Now I want one! But I really love the rock for my pocket! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  5. Elaine,
    Loved your remark about being asked what are your colors???
    Mine were blue and green. . .which raised many an eyebrow!!!
    I adore what you've done with your kitchen island!!!
    The re~use of refrigerator drawers is perfect!!!
    I have a vintage refrigerator drain pan in my creative space
    used with magnets as a memo board!!!
    Thanks for sharing that it is often in the times of
    "waiting for the right piece" that creativity is at its finest!!!

  6. Love this! We have a soapstone island that could use some shelves under it like these. You have inspired me.

  7. I can't imagine a kitchen without an island. It's so handy and useful. Yours is really vintage. I love it:-)

  8. Elaine, I love how you are able to display all of you great vintage containers on this new piece! I have a few refrigerator bins and have no way to display them so they are inside a cupboard. I pull them out now and then for a vignette. Thanks for sharing with SYC.


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