Monday, January 19, 2015

Displaying Small Collections

I'm not sure if collecting is something that you're born with or taught, but it tends to run in families. I come from a long line of collectors and I've raised collectors. We just can't help ourselves.

Displaying small collections is an easy and fun way of adding a bit of personality to your decor. Here are just a few of my small collections.
Instrument Mouthpieces

Vintage Oil Cans
Vintage Dice and Printing Press Letters

Hornet Nests
We recently spent the morning with Andy and Levi at the lake. Levi caught a crawfish in one of his water traps and after playing with it for a little while, he told Andy, "I'm gonna take him in the house and add him to my collection." Andy told him that he doesn't have to keep everything he catches. I reminded Andy that he can't help it, it's just in his blood.

Here's a Heart Rock for your Pocket:
Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. Psalm 91:1

Wishing you God's best,

Join me over at:
Cozy Little House
Vintage Inspiration
Ivy & Elephants
Treasure Hunt Thursday
Savvy Southern Style
Coastal Charm
Share Your Cup Thursday
Shabby Art Boutique
French Country Cottage
Friday's Unfolded
Home Sweet Home
Show and Tell Friday
Thoughts from Alice
Dwelling - Heart of your Home
Sunday Stillness
The Scoop
The Blissful Bee
Inspiration Monday
Home Stories A to Z

Found and Forged


  1. I have a grandson just like that!
    He took home worms to his momma yesterday. :/
    I love the little collections sitting around.
    Although-- I'm alone in the idea of how cool they are-- to some, they are clutter. They just don't get it!

  2. Love your unique collections. That's what make decorating fun. It makes your heart smile when you see the things you enjoy unique to you. I especially love your scripture verse. Blessings, Diane

  3. Love your collections, the hornets nests are so interesting!
    Thanks so much for sharing at AMAZE ME MONDAY.

    1. I know! My father-in-law found them in his woodpile and saved them for me. He knew I would love them. I have a great affection for all things natural... the handy work of God.

  4. It's definitely in my families blood as well. Love your sweet collections! I too collect oil cans and garden nozzles. Adding the crawfish to his collection is just too darn cute! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

    1. That's too funny, Jan. I've never known anyone else who had a garden nozzle in their house!! We must be two of a kind.

  5. Your collections are wonderful. I like to use small collections too, they add such character to a room don't you think.

  6. I love all your little collections Elaine - especially the printer's blocks (that's my son's name too!). I have lots of little collections as well, and have lots of little old dice I love and use. Thanks for sharing at the Vintage Inspiration Party - I'm giving you a shout-out on FB here -

  7. I love the hornets nest! Thank you for joining Home Sweet Home.


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