Sunday, November 30, 2014

Christmas Traditions

Christmas traditions! 
Those wonderful traditions that make our holidays feel like home, that make them magical. Traditions that link past years with the present. Each family has their own. For me, the Christmas season begins right after Thanksgiving Dinner. That's when we go in search of our cedar tree to place by the front door. We began this tradition when The Boy was just a little guy. Year after year, we walked down the dirt road, after stuffing ourselves with a Thanksgiving feast, and picked out a special little tree to take back home with us to Louisiana. The tree always took its place next to the front door covered with lights. We no longer live in the city, but our tradition continues, and now The Boy cuts his own tree for his home.
This year was no different. After a wonderful lunch with our family, we loaded up in search of our little trees. My grandsons each picked out their own tiny tree to carry home.

Levi and Dylan choosing the "perfect" tree.
Mine has taken its rightful place next to the front door where the lights will burn until New Year's Day.
Cedar trees tend to be a little like Charlie Brown's Christmas tree...a little scrappy. I like scrappy.
The stars represent the Star of Bethlehem that announced the birth of Jesus.
An old crock holds this years tree.
My Radio Flyer is carrying a cedar tree and firewood.

The old Santa used to stand on my Grandparents front porch at Christmas.

Keeping in mind why we celebrate... Let the Christmas season begin!

Here's a Heart Rock for your Pocket:

“Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favor with God. You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus." Luke 1:30-31

Wishing you God's best,

Join me over at:
Thoughts from Alice
French Country Cottage
Funky Junk
The Big Reveal 
Treasure Hunt Thursday
Dwellings-The Heart of the Home
Funday Monday
The Scoop
Vintage Inspiration Party
Savvy Southern Style
Coastal Charm


  1. Stopping in from Do Tell Tuesday. I am working on some decorating and could sure use a nice wagon full of your wonderful boughs! Enjoy the season and the reason we celebrate what the wisemen found as they followed the star in obedience.

    1. So glad you came over for a visit, please join me again! Wish I had a second wagon to share with you.
      Merry Christmas!

  2. What an absolutely lovely tradition. And I love that your grandsons each pick a tree as well. The Star of Bethlehem is a perfect reminder. Hopefully they too will carry it on. Thank you for linking up at Found and Foraged. We hope to see you again! AND just a heads up, we are partying one day early (Friday 8PM CT) because because InLinkz is doing maintenance right when our party normally goes live. So for one week only, the day is changing.

  3. LOVE the traditions and the tree by you door. So sweet :) I also love that wagon all filled think I have one sitting empty?! Not for long...thanks!! Laurel


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