Friday, October 3, 2014

Fall Blooms - Old Fashion Spider Lilies

I spotted some Naked Ladies on my way to work the other day. Now, I feel the need to explain myself...I'm talking about Spider Lilies not actual ladies. Growing up, we always called then Naked Ladies (really, we say neked around here).

It's October in Texas and everything, flower wise, is just about dead. The ground is hard and dry. I had actually forgotten that Spider Lilies were still to come until I saw those Naked Ladies. They are a very old fashioned flower. I transplanted mine from an old home site. They grow from bulbs that are about an inch in size and multiply very well. They spring up with no leaves or foliage (hence the naked part). After they flower, then the strap-like leaves make a mound similar to Liriope or Monkey Grass, which remains through the winter.

After spotting the "Ladies" blooming, I came home and checked on mine and sure enough they were popping up.
If you look closely at the ground above, you can see one just pushing through.
Here are a few among the dried hydrangea blooms.
A couple of days later, they look like this..
Here's a single bloom...
They are very unique.
In about a week's time, they transformed from the first photo to an explosion of color.
Just when I thought the season had ended...what a nice surprise!

Here's a Heart Rock for your Pocket:
“A host always serves the best wine first,” he said. “Then, when everyone has had a lot to drink, he brings out the less expensive wine. But you have kept the best until now!” 
John 2:10

Wishing you God's Best, 

Join me over at:
Still Saturday
Friday's Unfolded
Feathered Nest Friday
Fishtail Cottage
Thoughts from Alice
The Scoop
Amaze Me Monday
Knick of Time
Cozy Little House


  1. Yes,i have some of those Naked Ladies also. I told my granddaughter and i am not sure she believed that was really the name,shes only 5 and she gave me " The look",she is finny.They are lovely flowers,have a blessed weekend.

  2. Thanks, Marlene. I have a six year old grandson so I know "the look". I love to hear your comments so keep them coming!

  3. Hi, now I know what those flowers are called. They must spread easily becuase I see them on the road ways and in fields too. Glad to meet you.
    Mary-andering Creatively

    1. Nice to meet you too, Mary. Visit again real soon!
      Wishing you God's best,

  4. There is a bittersweet beauty to fall flowers. These spider lilies are magnificent.

    1. They are beautiful, aren't they? I am amazed at the diversity in God's creation.
      Thanks for visiting,


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