Saturday, September 20, 2014

New Idea for Old Fireplace Guards

This summer I picked up some beautiful old fireplace guards at a garage sale. The guy had a pair of brass guards and one that was cast iron. I bought all three... a package deal! I had originally thought I would use them on the corners of my flowerbeds to keep the water hose from dragging through the flowers, but then I had a bright idea and placed them at the corners of my back steps.(notice all the's beginning to look a little like fall)
The one to the left stands among my heart rocks.
They have a nice design...not too ornate, just simple good looks. They're handsome.
They have little feet...
...and lots of character!
Tell me if you can relate to this... I knew the moment I saw these that I wanted them. I didn't know for sure what I was going to do with them, but I knew I wanted them.
It's fun to take a traditional item and find an entirely new purpose for it.
Fireplace guards turned door never know what life has in store for you.

Here's a Heart Rock for your Pocket:
And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7

Wishing you God's best,

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Rooted in Thyme
Coastal Charm 
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Thoughts from Alice
Lavender Garden Cottage
Amaze Me Mondays
Funky Junk
The Scoop
Knick of Time
Savvy Southern Style


  1. Oh what a wonderful Idea!
    I would do this if I still had mine. I dug a couple out of a pile of trash...and added them to the WIP (waiting in a pile) ...the junk man that comes and hauls off metal took them.
    My hubby didn't know any better...and let him. :/ Oh well, I'm sure that if I truly needed them...I would have put them to use sooner.
    I like the hose guard idea.
    have a great week.

    1. Husbands are never supposed to throw anything away without permission. It's a rule. :)

  2. This turned out lovely! There are so many old things not used for the original purpose that can be incorporated into our spaces and simply appreciated for their beauty.

    1. Cheryl, I love to give new purpose to things. I couldn't agree more! I hope you will visit again soon. Thanks.

  3. i collect heart rocks also, but they're in a cup near my kitchen window. never thought of displaying them outside. i would guess that lots of people (women people) collect them, as it's hard to pass them by.

    1. Hello Anonymous heart rock collector! I see them everywhere I go! Every time I see one I say, "I love you, too" to God.


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