Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Papaw's Old Schwinn Bike

My Aunt recently asked me if I would like to have my Papaw's old bike and of course I said, "YES"! He was ninety-seven when he died and had he lived would have been ninety-nine this 4th of July weekend. To say that he was a character is a serious understatement!
A couple of weeks ago my boys were home for the weekend so we drove over to my Grandparents home place. We walked around the house and relived old memories. I explained to Levi that this is where I came to visit my grandparents when I was a kid just like him. I showed him where the tree swing used to be. We picked up black walnuts in the back yard. I told him how I used to play "Annie Over" with my cousins at the well house. I took him inside the well house so he could see where Grandma would drop the bucket and pull up icy cold water and how we would drink from a long handled dipper and pass it around. The bucket is no longer there but I was able to show him the big pulley and rope that she used. I showed him where the tree used to be that we made homemade ice-cream under and how we would take turns sitting on the freezer while Papaw turned the handle. I showed him the potato house and explained how Papaw was a farmer and would store his potatoes here. Then we went to the shed and found the bike. Andy loaded it up for me and we brought it home.
I've propped it up against the shop for now.
It's a Schwinn. I wish I knew exactly how old it is...
...old enough to have been painted a few times. It's solid as a rock and almost too heavy to pick up.
One of these days I'll pass it on to my boys!

Here's a Heart Rock for your Pocket:
Jesus said: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ Matthew 22:37-39

Wishing you God's best,

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  1. Your Pawpaw Fred would be glad to know 'Frog Eye' has his bike....That makes me laugh!!! Where he came up with that one I have no idea.

  2. I haven't thought about that in along time!

  3. what sweet memories and that bike is a treasure!

    1. Thanks for visiting, Debbi. I love my bike!

  4. Lovely memories and that bike is wonderful!

  5. What a charming memento to have! It looks wonderful against your shop doors and at the same time is so meaningful. Lovely!

    Lory at

  6. I wish I had something as cute to remember my "Bunicu" with!

  7. Wonderful memories to share and the bike looks perfect there! I love the layers of paint. I think you should get that pulley sometime in the future if able. Thanks for sharing with SYC.


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