Saturday, June 14, 2014

Restoring Our Old Farm House

This weekend marks the 10th anniversary of the day we bought our 1932 farm house. Our "run down, filthy, full of junk, smelled so bad you couldn't hardly breathe, no air conditioning, everybody thought we were crazy" farm house. We lovingly called it our "fixer upper" and boy were we excited.
We were not intimidated by the fact the electrical and plumbing would have to be completely redone. We would just fix it! And fix it we did! By we, I mean my husband Mark. That man can do anything! ...and I am his "lovely assistant" (or so I would like to think). We are both DIY-ers and have a really hard time paying someone to do something for us that we can do ourselves and we like the sense of accomplishment.
We worked on the house and property every weekend (every waking moment) while working full time, going to school and commuting between Texas and Louisiana. The photo above was 16 months into our project. The exterior of the house was almost complete at this point and we actually moved in the following February in 2006.
We didn't want to change the appearance of our house, so we rebuilt every aspect of it just the way it was originally. We took every inch of this house apart and then put it back together. We've touched every nail, shingle, floor board, pvc pipe, window... A lot has changed in ten years and I will share the interior with you over the weeks to come.

Happy Anniversary Old House!!

Here's a Heart Rock for your Pocket:
Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain. Psalm 127:1

Wishing you God's best,

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  1. Wow! All of your hard work paid looks so beautiful now! I always think it is so inspiring when people are willing to buy fixer-uppers and give them another chance. You made it look so great. :) ~Olivia

  2. It came out great! Love the green! Very picturesque! We have been fixing an old home ourselves too, and it has been rewarding.

    1. It is a tremendous amount of work, but rewarding!

  3. My " hats off to you " for taking an old homeplace and making it into a lovely home! Can't wait to see what you've done to the inside!

  4. That is really awesome.A lot of love and work. It shows.

  5. Looks awesome- great job! And what a wonderful landscaping

  6. I too remodeled a farmhouse way out in the's a lot of work! Congrats on the accomplishment! I love that you tried to keep it as original as possible! I'd love to see interior pictures!

    1. I wanted it to still look like the same house!

  7. What a snug home you have rebuilt! Love the gardens and the large tree shading it. Congratulations! Wendy x

  8. Oh my, so much charm! You've done a wonderful job!!! Thanks so much for sharing at AMAZE ME MONDAY...

  9. Hi Elaine,
    So nice to meet you here in blogland and what an amazing job you guys
    have done on this farm house. Incredible and while you were working full time and going to school.........that is amazing!
    Can't wait to see the inside............

    Blessings, Nellie

  10. Elaine- What a wonderful story to tell!
    I love how you 'touched' every aspect of your home making it yours!
    I'm looking forward to reading more about it.

  11. The transformation looks absolutely lovely! I really think there's magic in restoring an old fixer-upper into its former glory, while adding modern touches along the way. You are one lucky lady for having your own Fix-it-Felix. Haha! Kudos to you guys for doing a spectacular job on the farm house!

    Allen Hoffman @ Brewer Restoration

  12. Oh- You guys did such an amazing job. What a difference. I am looking forward to seeing the inside. I own a tiny house (VERY tiny - 8' x 18') and will be using it as a guest house on the land where my new yet old farmhouse is that I just purchased. Love old farmhouses and to think that someone might of torn your house down if you had not bought her and restored it. Thanks for saving a piece of history. She is a beauty. Will be watching for inside pics.


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