Monday, March 3, 2014

A little something just for me!

When I was little girl, my great grandmother used to have a box of magazine clippings. She would cut out and save pictures of things she liked and place them in a special box. Hey, I just realized my grandma invented Pinterest. How cool is that?! Anyway, when we would go to visit her she would allow my sisters and I to pick one thing from the box to bring home. It would take me forever to decide on just one item.

I think that is why I'm always intrigued by boxes of pictures and prints when I find them at flea markets. I can spend more time than I should digging through them and never buy a thing. Once I found three fruit prints, I had no idea if I would ever use them but they were practically free so I thought, "Why not!" I had them for a couple of years before I ever pulled them out and used them, but I ended up placing them in the back of one of my kitchen cabinets. I just slid them in behind the shelf. I wouldn't even call this a project. There is no work involved.

No one really sees the prints but me. It's a little something just for me! 

You could create your own little space with just about anything... pages out of magazines, photos, prints, inspirational quotes...

Give it a try and be sure to share with me.

Here's a Heart Rock for your pocket:
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. Deuteronomy 6:4-6

Wishing you God's best,


  1. Those are amazing and BEAUTIFUL fortunate you were! I love doing things that are "just for me".

  2. Thanks, Toni. I enjoy seeing them everyday. They add a little happy!

  3. I just want you to know how much I'm enjoying your blog! I think it's great! I'm so happy that you put together so great! And I shared the blog on my FB Page today!!

    1. Thanks, Amanda! I appreciate your mentoring!

  4. Thanks, Robin! I'm glad you liked it!

  5. Such a cute idea!
    I have a book of was something of my FIL's a little paper back, I kept it when we cleaned out their home after both my husbands parents past. It was going to be tossed, because it was coming apart and the pages were coming out.
    The birds are beautiful--I think it is for identifying birds.
    Those pages would look so pretty in a cupboard! I might give this one a try. I'll let you know if I do.
    have a great week. -Pat

  6. Pat, I am always searching for bird prints, but they are hard to find. I guess everyone likes them. Send me a pic if you decide to use them in your cabinets. I would love to see how it turns out!
    Thanks for stopping by!


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