Friday, February 21, 2014

Favorite Things: Vintage Seam Binding

I don’t enjoy sewing, but I love vintage sewing notions especially old seam binding and I snatch it up every chance I get!

 I usually find it at estate or garage sales, flea markets or junk stores and I use it everywhere.

This is the original key to my home which I have hanging with a beautiful snippet of champagne colored seam binding.

I use it to hang all sorts of things…pictures, wreaths and trays.

I use it to add a special touch to gifts, which can be as simple as a white lunch sack with holes punched and a seam binding ribbon to tie it closed.

Here I’ve used old peanut butter jars (a gift from The Boy) to display scraps of seam binding that I found in an old sewing box at an estate sale.

Here’s a Heart Rock for your Pocket:

The Lord heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. Psalm 147:3

Wishing you God’s best,


  1. All of these seam bindings are so colorful!
    I love seeing them. I bet your crafty place is adorable!
    I like the vintage peanut butter jars...
    I bet I'm going to like your style!


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