Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Lightning Bugs in a Jar

I made a light that hangs at my backdoor that reminds me of a jar of lightning bugs. As kids, we spent many summer nights running around catching lightning bugs (fireflies). We would put them in fruit jars and sit in the dark and watch them blink. I was amazed by them and I still get excited when I see them, which seems to be much less often than in the past.

This was a simple project. I used an old decorative shelf bracket that I picked up at Canton, TX, which is a monthly flea market that takes place here in East Texas. It’s the best!

I placed a short string of white lights (aka lightning bugs) in a large vintage canning jar. I used the original wiring on the jar’s top to hang it from the bracket with a short piece of copper wire.

I added electricity and ta-da!

Here’s a Heart Rock for your Pocket:

When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the Light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the Light of life.” John 8:12

Wishing you God's best,

Friday, February 21, 2014

Favorite Things: Vintage Seam Binding

I don’t enjoy sewing, but I love vintage sewing notions especially old seam binding and I snatch it up every chance I get!

 I usually find it at estate or garage sales, flea markets or junk stores and I use it everywhere.

This is the original key to my home which I have hanging with a beautiful snippet of champagne colored seam binding.

I use it to hang all sorts of things…pictures, wreaths and trays.

I use it to add a special touch to gifts, which can be as simple as a white lunch sack with holes punched and a seam binding ribbon to tie it closed.

Here I’ve used old peanut butter jars (a gift from The Boy) to display scraps of seam binding that I found in an old sewing box at an estate sale.

Here’s a Heart Rock for your Pocket:

The Lord heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. Psalm 147:3

Wishing you God’s best,

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Come on in, the door's open!

When we first bought our dream house, an old abandoned farm house that was built in 1932, it was far from dreamy! When others saw what it was (a mess), we saw the potential of what it could be. During our remodel, which we did ourselves, we added two bathrooms (his and hers) and a laundry room. The door you see here was actually the original front door to the home and is now in my bathroom and leads to the laundry room. It is also the center of one of my most recent projects.
1 Corinthians 2:9

Ecclesiastes 3:11
I had been playing around with the idea of painting the window of the door with chalkboard paint but I just wasn't sure I wanted to do this. I was afraid I would have a hard time cleaning if off if it turned out that I didn't like it. So I came up with an alternative. It was really very easy and I confess that I cheated a little. Here's how I did it. I first selected the scripture I wanted to use and the font that I liked. I printed the verse on my home printer the size that I wanted it to be on the door. It didn't all fit on one page so I printed it on three pages and taped them together. I then centered and taped the whole thing to the back side of the glass. I used a white paint pen and traced the lettering onto the glass. I removed the "cheat sheet" and taped a black poster board to the back side so it looks like a chalkboard, which I love! In the laundry room, I have a curtain that hangs over the window so the black paper isn't visible.

It only took a few minutes to actually complete and I can change it anytime the mood strikes me.

I love this verse. It reminds me every day that the BEST is yet to come!

Here's wishing you God's best!


Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentines Day!

Don’t you remember how exciting Valentine’s Day was when you were a kid?! I loved everything about. I loved the little lunch sacks that we decorated and taped to our desk. Our classmates would walk by and drop Valentines and Conversation Hearts in the bags. Someone’s mom would bring cupcakes and we would drink Coca-Cola’s from glass bottles. I would take my Valentines home and read them over and over again. I always kept them for a long time but eventually they would be thrown away. 

I now have a small collection of vintage valentines that I use to decorate my home during February. I especially like it when they have a name and date written on them. I have one that is dated February 14, 1917. It’s almost 100 years old! 

I like to imagine the little girl these Valentines belonged too? What possessed her to keep them for so long? Where did she live? Did the little boy who gave them to her go off to war? Did he come home? Did she show her Valentines to her grandchildren? Were they in a shoebox in an attic somewhere forgotten for 75 years? It’s fascinating!

Here's a Heart Rock for your Pocket:

His banner over me is LOVE! 
Song of Solomon 2:4

Wishing you God's best and fond Valentine memories!
